So, exams are over and life is much less stressful! I studied non-stop from Sunday through Tuesday night…and thought I was going to pass out during my 6pm psych exam. Intense. But it’s done and now it’s time to move on to more fun things!
Julia’s mom came over to visit Australia, then take her home. The three of us ended up doing a 2 night live aboard on the Great Barrier Reef. It was really fun, and basically wake up, eat, dive, dive, eat, dive, dive, sleep. It was insane. I only did about 3 dives a day, and I was way too tired to do the morning dives. Oh well...guess I’ll have to go back again!
My favorite dive by far was the one where we saw sea turtles up close and personal. It was one that Julia and her mom had decided to sit out, so I went with this really cool Irish girl as my buddy. We just hung out with a sea turtle for a long time, and I got tons of amazing shots!
Speaking of meeting cool people, we met a bunch of people of all ages from different parts of the globe. There was a British family, two Spanish guys, some Irish girls and Australians. It’s amazing to see how so many different people can be connected by one thing, such as a love for diving:)
Not much else to say about the live aboard, because the pictures speak for themselves. I still suck at breathing though…got to work on not sucking air:P
Miss you!

Super cool Nemo shot...Me...Cool fish picture

Trying to get a good Clemson shot without hitting coral...and hitting a dead end in the reef maze!

Our room...Dive buddies...Coral

Turtle...Me looking like I know what I'm doing...View from the boat.

Two of my favorite turtle shots...getting ready to dive.

Diving off the boat...view from the boat...filter feeding fishy

Me...Another Nemo...Flat fish.
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