Saturday, April 18, 2009

Packages and Rugby

Hey guys!

This week I got this super awesome package from my family, including pictures, peeps, happy birthday custom M&Ms, as well as a CAMERA!!! Hurray:) It was so exciting. Thanks family:) Here's a sampling of the M&M's, Clemson colors of course (don't know why the pic is sideways...).

Other than that, this week I had assignments to turn in and a midterm...I think they went pretty well.

The one thing not going well is the exchange rate...when we got here, it was at it's lowest, and I didn't think to check how it had been doing. In the past month or so, it's been steadily rising. It was $1 AUD to $0.63 USD when we first got here, and now it's up to $1 AUD to $0.73 sucks. The US dollar needs to get stronger now!

Wednesday we got to play our second rugby game of the season, and it was pretty much amazing! It was so much fun, even though it had a few hiccups. We warmed up and got into our opening positions, and just as we were about to receive the kick, the lights all went out. They had to call a maintenance guy to fix it, and told our lovely fans it would take like an hour. So everyone left, but the lights game on shortly after that, and we played with no crowd. So they missed our awesome game:( But other than that it was fun. We lost by two tries (5 each) 35-25, but in our defense, we lost 10 points because of the stupid whistle. It blew at halftime AND at the end of the game while the other team had the ball, so we stopped playing, thinking it was a dead ball. But it wasn't. Sad day. I did score 2 of our team's 5 tries (aka touchdowns) which was awesome. It was also super muddy which made playing even more fun, though I don't know how I'm going to get the stains out of my jersey. Fun story of the night: Mandy earned her first black eye. Luckily, I'd brought my frozen peas to ice my knee after, so she could keep the swelling down a bit:)

Mandy and me before our first game...Icing Mandy's face. Hurray frozen veggies!

After the game, me looking like Pop-Eye...Ruck formation!

Hanging out in the WC after the game...I'm #14 :)

That's pretty much it for this week...Tomorrow I'm supposed to go camping with some of the WC kids for a couple of nights, then back here to enjoy civilization before heading out to the middle of nowhere for my vertebrate fauna field trip. We're going to Undara, and it's a 7 hour bus ride from here. We'll be trapping animals and doing research-esque type stuff. The thing that looks really cool is the lava tubes that are there from when Australia had volcanoes. It's pretty cool. If you want to read more, here's a link with some info.

Julia and I have also decided to get our advanced dive certifcation in addition to diving the Yongala. It should be AWESOME. I cannot wait to go! I've been dying to have another dive trip.

Hmm...not much else going down. Today I've just been hanging out in my room and watching Gossip Girl, my new secret shame. I'm on Season 2 now...interesting. Got to love teenage soaps.


PS - Exactly 1 week until I'm 21!!! old:P

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