Speaking of pictures, I have set up an account on flickr to share all of my pictures. Hurray pictures! Click here for them!
I had my little webinar with Alicia from Australearn, which is the third party provider that I'm traveling with. Woo fun! We got to ask any last minute questions and talk to a few other kids who were going. It was pretty nifty.
Yesterday I got to hang out with my Clemson buddies for the last time before I leave. We all went to Chris and Corry's for the Superbowl (Go Steelers!). Pretty awesome. Just hanging out was really fun, especially since I haven't seen most of those guys since the bowl game. I don't know what I'm going to do without my crazy friends for 5 months! I'm hoping to meet some pretty cool kids at JCU (which I'm sure won't be a problem), including the 6 other people living on my floor. I just can wait to get there!
4 days, 14 hours and 34 minutes until flight numero uno!
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