Hey guys! Once again, not much has really been happening...I'm still waiting for all the students to get moved in and start meeting everyone. It's crazy humid and hot here, so just walking outside makes you break out into a sweat. It does give you an excuse to not wear makeup or make a really big effort before you go out:) Here's a picture from me wandering around campus:
On Saturday, a bunch of the Australearn girls and I went to this place called the Tavern. We ate dinner (the chicken parmigiana was delicious!) and just hung out there for a while. There was a really intoxicated Canadian who amused us for awhile, but we got him to leave and then we got in the cab back to JCU. We all stopped by Kristin's room for awhile in Uni Hall. It was the one I'd really wanted to live in, and I'm now glad that I didn't get my choice. The food's pretty bad and there is no air-con. It feels like 95 degrees outside and no cooling off? No thanks! Here's a picture of us sweating our butts off there:

Yesterday I went shopping with Annie and we bought some random stuff and a couple of dresses. Woo sundresses. So much more comfortable than anything else in this heat. I plan to buy about 50 more...lol. I also went to a couple of meetings and got my schedule finalized for this semester. It looks pretty fun...and two of my classes have built in field trips, which should be awesome! Here's my weekly schedule:
Monday: Free day!
Tuesday: Social psych lecture and practical (9am - 1pm)
Wednesday: Photography lecture and practical (9am - 12pm)
Thursday: MB lecture (11am-12pm), ZL lecture (2pm-3pm) and MB practical (6pm-9pm).
Friday: MB lecture (11am-12pm), ZL lecture (3pm-4pm)
**MB= Functional Biology of Marine Organisms
**ZL = The Australian Vertebrate Fauna
I did laundry for the first time today. Apparently, the dryers here don't work quite as well and you have to hang everything up. Awesome. Here's what my room currently looks like:

Tonight there's a big toga party for the entire University. They say you have to get there super early to get in, because everyone goes and they eventually stop letting people in. I'm hoping to go buy some fabric for a toga/future curtains later, but if not, I'll just be using my sheet. Lol...fun times. I'll post pictures later!